
Whatcha Doin Wednesday?

So whatcha doin? Well today I had plans to make gingerbread men (very excited as I had never made them before and was going to blog about it). Only to discover a missing ingredient - after I had already pulled everything else out ready to go...major bummer, oh well.

So I think I'll make my favourite brownies instead --> here is where I was going to insert a link to mention a post about said brownies I did a while back, however looking at my blog I can't find the 'older posts' link and that means no one else can either! So somewhere along the way I got rid of it ooppss - so another thing to add to my Whatcha Doin Wednesday will be working out what I did to get rid of it and somehow get it back arrhh!! Something to do with CSS and coding and things I think I'm not really sure, learning it all as I go!

I've also packed some orders ready for the post. Stitched up some more bibs and dollies. Cut out some little outfits, shoes and a couple of other little projects I'm working on.
And...that should be a big AND - refolded all almost all of my fabric. Wow big job but definitely worth it, looks so much better (like a mini fabric store in my own house!) and far more practical. The ideas are already flowing after seeing it all nicely together!

What else am I doing today? Well I've spent a bit of time at my new super happy fun place - Pinterest!
If you haven't yet discovered it you should really take a look, but be warned it's highly addictive and it will leave you scratching your head thinking 'Where did the last 3 hours go?'
You can find my 'pins' and 'boards' here.

So whatcha doin? Anything exciting? Any cooking/baking, crafting, shopping... pinning?

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